Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Comic Con lurkage

Working downtown has it's perks: Free parking is probably the biggest, followed closely by the array of weirdos roaming the streets at all hours. Comic Con weekend was jam packed with weirdos and I was in lurker heaven! I strolled around after work with my camera around my neck and snapped away randomly, channeling Ed Templeton by walking behind cute girls.

Monday, July 18, 2011

New toy!

Picked up a macro extension tube set the other day. They're essentially tubes of various lengths you attach between yr camera and lens that allow you to focus in mad fucking close. Totally fun to play around with. My trial run involved taking pics of the junk I had sitting on my coffee table, crops of other people's photos from magazines and album art.

                                                              Brain clouding agent

                                                                     Tech Deck grip art

                                                     Pics of an old camera= hella artsy

                                                                        Hubba skank

                                                                 Stukas Over Disneyland

                                                                The Captain and Dave

                                                                       Sexting! Chea, if only

                                                   Stiv Bators in a bathtub that you can't see.

                                                              Snatch park=palm death

Friday, July 8, 2011

Fuck Jenki Miyashiro(original edit)

This is the original edit for Jenki's part in Fuck A Film, made back in April of 07. Jenki was way stoked on  skating to Cop Killer but it got used in some vid right before mine was coming out so I scrapped it and made the version that appears in the video. I prefer the Nikki and the Corvettes edit but this is some epic nostalgia worthy of sharing.