Thursday, February 13, 2014


A few shots of Derek Elmendorf grinding the biggest rail ever. Ya know it’s big when a Rebel xt can shoot the sequence!
So this was back in September, 2013 where Alexis Mairena and I were goofing around Dallas skatepark when all of Dallas Crew starts bailing out… and not to their usual spliff corner. Mid exodus, I’m informed that “He’s going for it” and to bring my camera. Thankfully I was packin’ and Alexis had his vx so we head on over to join the crowd slowly forming. Dallas park is home turf for Derek so he’d been eyeing this beast for years and was ready to take the ride. There was definitely electricity in the air or some shit, homies and good vibes abound.
I start playing around with angles that wont poach everyone else’s angles as Elmendorf starts jumping on the bar. Dude put in work and came out victorious! Everyone starts screaming but I doubt anyone was all that surprised he rolled away from it. Elmendorf is gnar.
I’m stoked to have been in the right place at the right time to see this go down and hope to be so fortunate in future escapades. I wanna mention the angle Alexis got(filmed standing on a sketchy trash can on the hill) cuz it was butters and wasn’t used in the Thrasher thingie. Hopefully we’ll see it in “East County Bound and Down”. Video hype!

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