Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I have large testicles.

Went to the Doctor for my twice-a-decade check up. Doc was running late so I spent an hour alone in a little room getting agitated about being there instead of hanging with my babe who had gotten outta class early.
I'd lurked all the outdated magazines and read all the junk on the walls so I started making paper airplanes out of hospital pamphlets. My goal was to fly them into the ceiling vents. I failed but left the remnants scattered about in an act of defiance. Sorry janitors, I truly was that bored.
Doc finally arrives, apologizes for the delay and my physical commences. Upon inspecting my junk the doc asks "Are yr testicles normally this large?" Yup I respond, "They seem normal"? I ask. Doc tells me they are larger-than-normal but appear fine. Dude, larger-than-normal nads confirmed by a professional! I have massive junk(well, massive balls at least). I'm damn near God-like!
More importantly, none of my gross moles or the splotchy red thing on my arm appear cancerous. Phew

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